COME through the door, you will be welcomed into our Sunday Morning gathering where we aim for people to feel safe, wanted, valued and included.
We WORSHIP our dear Father through the Son by the power of his Holy Spirit. Our aim is to glorify God and make Jesus known in our community.
BELONG to a Church family offering a spiritual home to all those who are seeking and to those who find. We aim to make and equip followers of the Lord Jesus.
Sundays - Morning Service 10:45am Morning Services are open to all. We have a time of prayer in the Church Hall at the rear of the building; all are welcome to attend.
Communion is held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
Mondays 9.30 am til 12.30pm Foodbank Distribution Centre Open.
Wednesdays 1st & 3rd - Bible Study We have a time of Bible Study together in the Church office with a cup of tea or coffee.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper, sometimes called 'communion' every second and fourth Sunday of the month. This simple service is a remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection as he asked us to do:
"Then he took the cup (of wine) and gave thanks, and said 'Take this and divide it among yourselves...'
...and he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me.'" (Luke chapter 22: 17-19)
Wednesdays 1st & 3rd - Bible Study
We have a time of Bible Study together in the Church office starting with a cup of tea or coffee.
Each fortnight we look at different subjects or a passage from the Bible.
We start at 7pm and finish by 8.30.
Sunday Morning Service 10:45am Morning Services are open to all. We have a time of prayer in the Church Hall at the rear of the building; all are welcome to attend.
Communion is held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
Mondays 9.30 am til 12.30pm Foodbank Distribution Centre Open.
Wednesdays 1st & 3rd - Bible Study We have a time of Bible Study together in the Church office with a cup of tea or coffee.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper, sometimes called 'communion' every second and fourth Sunday of the month. This simple service is a remebrance of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection as he asked us to do:
"Then he took the cup (of wine) and gave thanks, and said 'Take this and divide it among yourselves...and he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me.'" (Luke chapter 22: 17-19)
Wednesdays 1st & 3rd - Bible Study
We have a time of Bible Study together in the Church office starting with a cup of tea or coffee.
Each fortnight we look at different subjects or a passage from the Bible.
We start at 7pm and finish by 8.30.
Advance notice of a gathering in the Parish Church, St Peter and St Paul's, at 2pm. All welcome, please join us.
We would love to hear from you. Want to know what to expect when you come? Want to chat with someone?
Please click here to email us, or
call us on these numbers: 01760 721724 / 722877 / 725321.
We would love to hear from you. Want to know what to expect when you come? Want to chat with someone?
Please click here to email us, or
call us on these numbers: 01760 721724 / 722877 / 725321.
We are a very short walk from the town:
38 Station Street, Swaffham PE37 7HP.
Free parking available past the church building then turn left past the restaurant.
Copyright © Swaffham Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.
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